A Guide To Changing A Reusable Nappy
Whether it is your first-ever nappy change or your first reusable nappy change, you might be filled with feelings of trepidation at the task ahead. However, there are only a few things to learn, and after a couple of changes using cloth nappies will become second nature.
Here we look at everything you need to have before changing a reusable nappy, the process, and tips on cleaning up afterwards.
What You Need Before Changing
Many parents find it helpful to prepare themselves for the day and night ahead. Your baby will need a nappy change before or after each feed or after they have pooed, so you should prepare around ten reusable nappies for babies under one month old. Fewer nappies are needed as your baby grows, dropping to approximately four to five after 12 months.
The items you will need before commencing with a nappy change include:
- One-size adjustable, reusable nappy comprising outer waterproof layer and soft inner layer
- Booster inserts/liners for maximum absorbency
- Dry bag for storing clean nappies
- Wet bag or nappy bucket for storing used reusable nappies until wash day
- Soft reusable wipes
- Clean, soft towel
- Hand sanitiser
How To Change A Reusable Nappy
First, wash and dry your hands. The next step is to remove the reusable nappy, put it to one side, and clean your baby’s genitals and bottom. You should wipe the area from front to back to remove poop, and it helps prevent any health issues, such as nappy rash, to make sure creases in the skin are clean.
Next, you should ensure the baby is dry to avoid issues such as chafing. A soft towel is practical here, and it is advantageous to let your baby’s bum continue to dry in the fresh air for a few minutes.
Before putting on a new reusable nappy, you can apply a barrier cream. However, many parents only use this on the nappy change before bed.
Putting On A New Cloth Nappy
Lay the nappy on a flat surface with the pocket facing you. You can now fit the absorbent inserts, which prevent prolonged wetness of the skin, which is the leading cause of nappy rash. The inserts can be popped together if you use two, which makes inserting them while keeping them flat easy.
Place your baby in the clean reusable nappy and pull it up to the tummy. Position the tummy band below the umbilical cord if you use them on day one to ensure air circulation.
You can now adjust the front poppers if you need to create a snug fit. Lastly, fasten the nappy at the side using the poppers. Ensure the nappy is snug but not too tight, and be careful not to pinch your baby’s skin.
Cleaning Up
Take the soiled reusable nappy to the toilet and empty any poo and flush this away. You can then place the dirty nappy in your wet bag or nappy bucket until wash day and wash your hands. You can read how to wash your reusable nappies here.